Stories are a way of thinking, the soul of a culture, and the consciousness of a people.
Stories are a way in which we can know remember and understand.“

N. Livo, S. Rietz

Britta C. Wilmsmeier tells stories professionally first in London then in Berlin, throughout Germany and internationally. She explores different storytelling formats for her performances for school classes, festivals and stages. The performances range from traditional storytelling to interdisciplinary applied biographical, traditional and historical material.

In her Applied Storytelling workshops she works with children, young people and adults as well as refugees at home and abroad. The development and sustainability of her formats are based on diverse experiences and qualifications and bear fruit through cooperation with other colleagues and networks. Cooperations with other artists such as dancers and musicians enrich her repertoire and broadens storytelling to a truly multisensory and stimulating experience.

International projects have taken place a.o. in cooperation with the Goethe Institute London and Moscow; Anadolu Kültür, Istanbul; Merkator Foundation; Maya, Mersin/Turkey and Chennai Storytelling Festival, India; APAC – Association Professionnelle des Artistes Conteurs, France and Brandeis University Boston, USA.

She is a founding member and 1st board member of the association Erzähler ohne Grenzen e.V., (Tellers without Borders), which is also a member of FEST (Federation for European Storytelling). She was part of the board of Erzählkunst e.V. for several years, and is a member of VEE (Deutschsprachiger Verband der Erzähler und Erzählerinnen). She is part of the Netzwerk Notfallpädagogen e.V..

Between 2019-2022 she taught Storytelling and Multilingualism in Schools at the Freie Universität, Berlin.

Britta C. Wilmsmeier studied M.A. English, German and Cultural Studies in Leipzig and Leicester, UK.