
17.09.2022, 09.09. - 18.09.2022

From 09.09. – 18.09.2022, KE!NEANGST Festival will take place in the KulturMarktHalle Berlin.

For ten days, we will interfere with the everyday life of our neighbourhood with interdisciplinary and artistic interventions. By that, we invite you to face our fears.

With videos, installations, paintings, music, dance, and street art, people from different backgrounds approach the festival theme artistically. A web of chalkdrawings, that grows daily, connects the many locations of the festival. People will sing about feelings, experiences, worries and needs from stages, roofs, balconies, and windows. With a special edition of the Berlin FuckUp Night we will get to the bottom of personal failure with courage and humor. We invite neighbours to invite each other to eat together. We talk about loneliness, courage, love, and death. We learn about the manipulation of collective feelings from psychologists and everyday experts. In workshops with children, young people, and adults, we explore how to deal creatively with stressful situations. In a dance perfomance at the shopping center we experience how fear makes us function and how it provokes collaboration. We will color the neighborhood. We will illuminate dark corners.